The Legal 500
JLSW Law Firm has been distinguished in the prestigious The Legal 500 Rankings for 2018 and recommended in the area of construction law and investment processes.
JLSW Law Firm has been distinguished in the prestigious The Legal 500 Rankings for 2018 and recommended in the area of construction law and investment processes.
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Receiving a subpoena for payment from the PFR – what steps should I take in this situation?
During the epidemic caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish Development Fund, within the framework of the Anti-Crisis Shield, introduced two programmes: Financial Shield 1.0 and Financial Shield 2.0. Under both of these programmes, financial support was provided to entrepreneurs; however, in order to receive it, enterprises had to first fulfil a number of requirements … Continue reading “Receiving a subpoena for payment from the PFR – what steps should I take in this situation?”
Whistleblower Protection Act – businesses with more than 50 employees will have to make changes!
The Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers will enter into force three months after its publication in the Official Gazette, i.e. on 25 September 2024, except for the provisions on external reporting, which will not take effect until 25 December 2024. What is worth knowing about this law before it enters into force? Who … Continue reading “Whistleblower Protection Act – businesses with more than 50 employees will have to make changes!”