
Planned amendment to the Central Registration And Information On Business (CEIDG) Act

Central Registration And Information On Business (CEIDG) is a digital register of entrepreneurs who conduct business activities in Poland. It currently holds the data of 2.6 million entrepreneurs. They can also manage their affairs online thanks to a cooperation between CEIDG and the Biznes.gov.pl information and service website. By signing into your Entrepreneur Account you can quickly and easily manage your affairs with CEIDG and other services.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing demand for managing things online, which in turn caused a boom in e-services. That has resulted in many suggestions both by entrepreneurs and officials to introduce changes related to CEIDG. To improve the digitalisation of CEIDG, the Ministry of Development and Technology has prepared draft amendment of the Central Registration And Information On Business and Information Centre for Entrepreneurs Act. Currently, the draft amendment is under consultations.

The major changes will consist of:

  • improvements to the functioning of civil partnerships – creation of a “one-stop” process for registering a civil partnership, i.e., a change from specific applications that had to be submitted with Inland Revenue, Statistics Poland and the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) to a single integrated application,
  • comprehensive digitalisation of the process of establishing a business at Biznes.gov.pl, i.e., a departure from filing paper applications during a business registration in CEIDG while retaining support at the Entrepreneur Support Centre,
  • enhancement and facilitation of the one-stop CEIDG process – a more comprehensive integration with other public registers and inclusion of company details in the CEIDG register, as well as creation of the option to download an electronic company certificate or an expansion of CEIDG to include a visualisation of address information using a geoportal,
  • changes for commercial proxies – enhancements regarding the inclusion of commercial proxy details in CEIDG, in particular for commercial proxies who are not natural persons,
  • improvements to regulations regarding bankruptcy trustees, succession administrators, etc.

The Ministry of Development and Technology has recently begun the consultations of the draft amendment. The Ministry welcomes any and all remarks until 19 October 2022.


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